Saturday, August 03, 2002

"If children are the light of the world, why is it always so dark?" -ME you didn't know it was, sucker! I foooooled you into thinking it was someone else! HA! okay...I'm done...

mood: tired (no icon yet)

baah...AIM just shutdown on my...actually...INTERNET just shorted out on me...therefore...I shouldn't be able to write this, neh? anyway, it gave out RIGHT when I'm in the middle of talking to Sebby! no fair, right? EXACTLY!! anyway, no problem...I'm okay, I'm COOL.....I'm SO tired though...I woke up at 9:30...BAAH! (the hell do I keep screaming BAAH for!?) and the damn internet is still offline!!!! GRRR!!!!.....hmmmm.....whatever...OOH! OOH! YAY! IT'S BACK ONLINE! YYAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! oh no...she left...oh yeah she's coming here! HA! take THAT Eike person! HAAAAA! and I have a nice Totaro for her toooo....>) and he was expensive, so beat that...uh...ALSO! HAAAAAAAA! (speak to Eike person about Totaro!!!) YAY! ...

Spooty poo...I wanna play Suikoden III!!!! everyone loves it and stuff...and I haven't played ANY of them! not I, II, or III! and I haven't played that...uh...sol and ky game either...the only sol I know is the stallite that blew tetsuo's arm off in akira!! um....I leave now...cause I'm annoying right? yeah...I be back later
<6.6>S <----sad kitty face....awwwwww

Friday, August 02, 2002

Choas reins supreme!! Atleast on Sebby's tag board!
Sebby's Blog!

I took an online test! yay! I like my results!!
my cowboy bebop theme song is cats on mars

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?

It seems, on the note about Sebby's tag board, that the gang is starting to stir things up >.< hopefully for the better...BUT APH'S HAVING TWINS! YAY!

Thursday, August 01, 2002 new layout should be up soon! yay! *hugs chibi cat for no reason* hehe! chibi cat showed me this quiz! it's great! It's an invader zim quiz!

Take the Invader Zim Personality Quiz!
as you can see, I'm Gaz!
Dudes... O.O Mothman Prophecies is WEIRD! Good, but weird! It's about one of the coolest things ever!!! I'll talk to you people later...wheee!

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

...okie...not much here all... *stares* my good layout isn't up yet, but it should be pretty cool...yup...*whistles* OH YEAH! my vacation comic book should be done soon! I can't decide which cover to use...I'll show you people if people read this thing >.<