"If you're going to steal something you don't steal from a thrift store. If your going to steal something it should be something big, like a car or a house." -Pat

Which LOTR Character are you?
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not much...just random thoughts today...my room is DONE!!!...Onii-san has seen every movie ever, which becomes more apparent everyday...I go to Patty's today to watch Lord of The Rings! (yes...I know I own it...)...Elli in Harvest Moon 64 is a bitch who won't poop out the damn baby!!! X_X!!...everything tastes better melted *licks up the melted fudge in the cardboard box*...I'm insane...that white girl in The Proud Family reminds me of Caitlin O_O;;;.... Sebby ish purdy...my cape is done for my costume, but I don't know about the rest of it....my ears came in (for my costume >_<)...the old DBZ episodes are funny, but I don't know why...SQUEE IS SO DAMN CUTE!!...I didn't mean to put this many random thoughts...fudge is good....I want to be Tetsuo....I like the chicken dance...I'm in a bearsuit

Which LOTR Character are you?
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not much...just random thoughts today...my room is DONE!!!...Onii-san has seen every movie ever, which becomes more apparent everyday...I go to Patty's today to watch Lord of The Rings! (yes...I know I own it...)...Elli in Harvest Moon 64 is a bitch who won't poop out the damn baby!!! X_X!!...everything tastes better melted *licks up the melted fudge in the cardboard box*...I'm insane...that white girl in The Proud Family reminds me of Caitlin O_O;;;.... Sebby ish purdy...my cape is done for my costume, but I don't know about the rest of it....my ears came in (for my costume >_<)...the old DBZ episodes are funny, but I don't know why...SQUEE IS SO DAMN CUTE!!...I didn't mean to put this many random thoughts...fudge is good....I want to be Tetsuo....I like the chicken dance...I'm in a bearsuit