Saturday, September 21, 2002

"Where'd the teacher go to? What about my burning desire to study and learn a vocation? Well drag his butt in here!" Yamagata from Akira (the movie)

mood: (in the prossess of making this one) My mood is Calculando Calrissian 2000!!

My cousin has been taking up space in my room for two days now XD! *gets bonked by cousin* okay...but it's a peaceful and good natured takeover of my room...*gets bonked getting headache* @_@;; um...Tales of the Crystals is still fun...I proved that so damn fun...but my little brother has no imagination...which makes me wonder just how old my inner child is...*thinks about two and a half*

well...yestarday I saw the gorriest movie ever made...funny as hell...just very's called "Dead Alive" and I suggest those of you with strong stomachs watch it...or if you need to barf to stay home from school...hey...that's a good idea...*must watch movie before school on monday...*

I'm also getting worse with my Akira induced insanity...I'm spewing out more direct lines from the movie than anything only original peice of conversation today was "are you hungry?" and "you want a drink?" ...actually...I'm kinda thirsty...hmmm...*gets drink* time flys...I'm almost 16...on MONDAY! EVERYONE GET PRESENTS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA! PRESENTS FOR MMEEEEE!!!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! NOT YOU OR YOU OR EVEN YYOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!! ALL FOR MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! *gets bonked*

I got a ghostie book from my cousin...and...A TODD MCFARLIN LORD AKIRA TOY!!!!!!! *glomps toy* must get Tetsuo and Kaneda...and Kaneda's bike...*drool* bike...........

oh yeah...the reason my mood isn't Jhonen related...and it doesn't make sense...I'm in a weird seanbaby mood cause I was on when I wrote this...when I'm writing this....when I'll write this X_X;;; I'm was I saying? oh yeah...I'm going to have a mood or two that's not Jhonen related because they're too good to pass up...the calculando calrissian 2000 and the baby from "Dead Alive"...that's all so far...otherwise it's Jhonen stuff all the way...hmmm....and sometimes maybe an Akira mood...but just one...maybe...*thinks* this is a stupid blog >_<;;

and now for senseless L33T blogging: j00 |>4//\N f00|! |-|0\\/ |>4r3 j00 347 |>4
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